Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Hair Problems

Hair Problems

Split ends, dandruff and dry, itchy scalp are common problems that can detract from otherwise healthy hair. In most cases such hair problems can be overcome by giving the appropriate treatment.
Be aware that a loss in the condition of your hair can be an early warning sign of an underlying health problem.

For Hair and scalp Problems

  • Eat plenty of Liver, for Vitamin A
  • Dark Green Leafy vegetables, carrots and sweet potatoes, for beta carotene
  • Vegetable oils, nuts and oily fish, for essential fatty acids.
  • Shellfish, red meat and pumpkin seeds, for zinc.

Hair Problems with symptoms and treatment

Dandruff - Causes, Treatment of Dandruff, Dandruff Home Remedies

Dandruff consists of scaly particles with an oily sheen that lie close to the hair root. This condition should not be confused with a flaky scalp.
Dandruff is where the natural process of the shedding of skin cells has for some reason got out of hand. The precise cause of dandruff remains a mystery but some experts believe it is the result of bad diet or illness, others that it's fungal infection. Dandruff should not be confused with a very dry scalp.

Some Causes of Dandruff

  • poor diet
  • sluggish metabolism
  • stress
  • a hormonal imbalance
  • infection

How to Treat Dandruff

Dandruff conditions produce increased cell renewal on the scalp, which is often associated with an increase in sebum. The scales will absorb the excess oil, but if the problem is untreated it will become worse.
First make sure you are eating a healthy diet with plenty of whole grains, fresh trait and vegetables. Cut down on fats, sugars and refined carbohydrates. Then try to increase the blood supply to the hair follicles by giving yourself a gentle scalp massage. Press your fingertips into your scalp at the sides of your head, and, keeping them in place, rotate them in small circles. The idea is to gently move the scalp, not the fingers. After about 30 seconds move to another part of your head and repeat until you have treated your entire scalp.
Avoid harsh anti-dandruff shampoos, which can over-dry the scalp. Instead wash daily with a very mild, organic shampoo - this will help to control the greasiness and remove the loose flakes of skin. Every week moisturize the scalp with a rich conditioning treatment. If the problem persists consult your doctor or a trichologist. They will be able to recommend a special shampoo containing selenium which works as an anti-fungal agent.

Dandruff Treatment at Home using Remedies

Rethink your diet and lifestyle. Learn relaxation techniques if the problem appears to be caused by stress. Brush the hair before shampooing and scrupulously wash combs and brushes.
Always choose a mild shampoo with an anti-dandruff action that gently loosens scales and helps prevent new ones. Follow with a treatment lotion and massage into the scalp using the fingertips. The Dandruff treatment must be used regularly if it is to be effective.
Avoid excessive use of heat stylers. If the Dandruff persists, consult your family doctor or trichologist.
Dry Scalp and Dandruff problems may mean a zinc deficiency, so you should include zinc-rich foods in your diet such as shellfish (especially Oysters), red meat and pumpkin seeds. Omega 3 fatty acids help to prevent dry skin and a flaking scalp. Good foods are oily fish such as sardines, mackerel, trout, salmon and herring. If dandruff and scalp problems persist in spite of using shampoos then you should consult a doctor.
Related Hair Articles

Flaky or Itchy Scalp

Flaky or itchy scalp produces tiny, white pieces of dead skin that flake off the scalp and are usually first noticed on the shoulders. This condition can often be confused with dandruff but the two are not related. Sometimes the scalp is red or itchy and feels tense. The hair has a dull appearance.

Flaky scalp Causes traitment

    • stress
    • insufficient rinsing of shampoo
    • lack of sebum
    • using a harsh shampoo
    • vitamin imbalance
    • pollution
    • air-conditioning
    • central heating


  • and solutions for Itchy or flaky scalp

Choose a moisturizing shampoo and a conditioner with herbal extracts to help soothe and remoisturize the scalp.


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